Thursday, 20 June 2013

Fabric Bracelets

Hey guys! Have you got a tshirt that’s too long for you? Well, now you can cut it up and make these beautiful bracelets with the excess fabric!

Begin by measuring approximately how long you want your top to be, and cut the excess fabric with a pair of scissors. 
Cut the bottom part of your top

After you’ve cut the excess fabric, you should have a circular piece of cloth. Cut it at the junction so that you have one long stretch of fabric.

Cut at the fabric at the junction.

                                                         Bracelet 1

Step 1: Take half of your fabric and cut it to a length that is a little longer than what would fit your wrist.

Step 2: Paint your fabric whatever color you want the base of the bracelet to be. This is an optional step if you already like the color of your fabric. You don’t need to be too neat with this since the base will hardly show.

Step 3: Attach a button at one end of the fabric and make a hole with scissors (or with a blade) on the other end so that you can wear the bracelet around your wrist.

Step 4: Gather any scrap metal or studs that you have. Be creative with what you use, you can even use bottle caps, pull taps from cans or paper clips. Paint these with neon colors.

Step 5: Stick these pieces onto the fabric. After I did this, I saw that I had a lot of fabric showing on my bracelet, which I didn’t like, so I used studs to cover that up.

                                                                  Bracelet 2

Step 1: Cut the second half of the fabric into three parts horizontally.

Step 2: Secure all three strips of fabric with a knot.

                                    Step 3: Braid the three strips and tie a knot at the end.

       Step 4: Sew the ends of the braid together after making sure the bracelet fits your wrist.

                              Step 5: you can sew on a colorful button to hide the knots.

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